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We believe that


to whatever you may be looking for. 

We're here to help you discover that.

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Jesus + Nothing = Everything

Step One

The Son of God

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

Step Two

Jesus Died for You

"He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins, and not only our sins but the sins of all the world." - 1 John 2:2

Step Four

Pray with us

Dear God,

I ask you to forgive me of all of my sins and to make me brand new. Jesus, I believe you died for me, and you rose again, so that I could live. Today I choose to turn from my sin and follow you for the rest of my life. In Jesus name, I pray - Amen

Step Three

What Must I Do to be Saved?

The answer was simple, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” (Acts 16:30) 


So, how do you do that?

Jesus answers that question in John 14:6, “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” So we must believe that “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13)


We’d love to hear if you made this decision. Check out any of these practical next steps!

Deciding to put your faith in Jesus is a big deal. You might think that you have to have it all figured out to get baptized and follow Him, but that's actually your first step of faith! Even the people who walked the earth beside Jesus had questions and doubts. The good news is, Jesus doesn't get frustrated with us, He actually understands. 

Have Questions?

At Retro, we're all on the same journey toward Jesus. So there's no silly questions! The last thing we want is for you to have unanswered questions just because you feel too intimidated or judged to ask. We are not that kind of church.

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This is our first act of obedience. 

"And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name." - Acts 22:16

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